Sales & Leads Generation

Sales and Leads Generation

Weekly Hours: 2 + 2

Total Hours: 48

Duration: 3 Months

Course Incharge
Yahya Batla
Course Description

Welcome to the Lead Generation Mastery course! This comprehensive training program equips with the skills and strategies needed to excel in lead generation. Covering various techniques such as cold emailing, LinkedIn prospecting, cold calling, PPC advertising, data scraping, and more, you'll gain a deep understanding of generating organic leads and leveraging platforms like Facebook, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Quora. Additionally, you'll explore lead capture, nurturing, and conversion strategies, as well as essential tools and lead magnet creation.

What you will learn

Course Outline

Grading Criteria
Particulars Marks (%)
Quizzes 20
Class Participation/ Attendance 15
Projects 25
Final Projects 40
Total 100